Monday, June 16, 2008

Bird Feeders from Egg Cartons!

Last Monday, I had a few mamas and kids over to enjoy making bird feeders! I chose bird feeders as the craft because I pretty much run an at home preschool now and I have chosen themes for each week. Last week's theme was birds so bird feeders seemed appropriate. Everyone provided an egg carton. We took the tops off and used them as our paint palettes. Then we put holes on each of the four corners of the egg cartons and used twine for the hangers. After that, we headed outside for finger painting. Some of the children (MINE) don't like to get dirty! But I'm working on that with them. All in all the bird feeders looked pretty good. I sent everyone home with a small bag of bird seed as well. I've not hung ours yet! Please comment if you've hung yours... I'd love to know how they actually survive in a tree!


Traci said...

It's pretty amazing that those cartons are still hanging in the tree out our front yard. The past storms we have had did not destroy them. The girls love to go out and look to see if birds are eating out of them.

Mandy said...

Wow, Traci, that is soooo good to know! I still need to hang mine!! Remind me, eh?