Saturday, June 21, 2008

Coffee Filter Butterflies

This week, we learned about Butterflies. The kids all really enjoyed learning about cocoons, migration, and of course, the pretty butterflies themselves. We made some really cool butterfly magnets out of coffee filters!

Here is what y0u need:
food colors
coffee filters
clothes pin
pipe cleaner
sticky magnets

Basically you just squirt the food coloring on the the coffee filters (lightly or else it becomes saturated and as my son would say "Garbage) and then fold them together to make them symmetrical. This is called blot art.

We sat them on the porch to dry.

After they dried we brought them inside and I helped the kids to gather them in the center and put them in the clothes pins. We then made antennas from pipe cleaners and made smiley faces with markers. My clothes pins already had magnets on the backs that I'd put on there about four years ago! But you'd need to do that, of course. Anyway, they are super cute and the kids were terribly proud of their creations.


Popsicles & Lollipops said...

Living a parallel life, apparently. I think we made these on the exact same day. We actually drew with markers directly on the coffee filters then sprayed water onto them to allow the marker to bleed, then set them to dry. My kids love use squirt bottles, so any excuse to do so is always welcome in our house! :-)

Kiwi Crellins said...

I love your blog! Hope you don't mind, but I've tagged you....